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Travellers Tips

Get the right currency mix

Cash and cards all have a place in the traveller's wallet - just find out which combination is best for your destination.

Always take local cash

You don't want to be stranded, so even if you're flying to LA don't depend on cash machines working on arrival.

Exchange Rates

Senli Cash&Go is an ideal place to buy your currency. Offering a fast service, opening hours 7 days a week in the business season and very competitive exchange rates, which are better than your banks, post office, travel agents and M&S.

Buy Back Guarantee

Senli Cash&Go's Buy Back Guarantee allows you to take enough currency for your whole trip. Any unspent notes can be sold back to us commission free.

Using your debit/credit card abroad

Remember that you will often pay your card issuer a fee for using your debit/credit card abroad.


Always use a hotel safe and never take out more money than you are likely to need. Also, always be aware of the potential for credit card fraud when abroad.

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Regulated by UK HM Revenue & Customs MSB Registration No: XCML00000114285